Warehouse Racking Inspection
Macintyre Scott - MSX - going that Xtra mile - Macintyre Scott - duty free travel retail distribution

Warehouse Racking Inspection

Warehouse Racking Inspection - First Class!

Following our annual warehouse racking inspection, the following comments were received from the racking inspector:-

"Firstly I would like to congratulate you on the very high standard of warehouse management and care you have taken 
in looking after this racking. Even without considering Macintyre Scott's previous record, this is an amazing achievement,
taken in context of your history, it is amazing. I carry out inspections all over the place and this must be one of the safest
warehouses I have seen!"

"You have achieved such a high standard - Well done!"

Steve TylerStorage Department ManagerLocators Ltd.


Contact Information

Telephone: (+44) 02380 660074
Fax: (+44) 02380 429818
Email: info@ms-xtra.co.uk

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